Friday, November 06, 2009

sucky day

ytd was a damn damn suck day...
complaint by a stupid patron when i'm not having any attitude...
just that im slow..
and was talking...
then the nxt is 2 patrons quarrelling abt the queue..
i was shock lo..
then before tat was a refund tickets...
i thought need down $15 but in the end no need..
i lost 2 CMM costing me to down $17
die sia..
$25 + $17 = $42
can cry le...
mean my pay..
i will have $42 less to spend :(

but a good and happy thing did happen...
saw him hahahahas...
damn damn happy...
hope todae share the same cab too :)
just lyk the other day :$

o6 nov 2oo9
♥love love

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