Monday, December 29, 2008
Blog from 24 dec to 28 dec
Was quite busy.
24 Dec:
Meet Charmaine and Alvin at bukit batok mrt station
Went to Julie hse..
After not long Rachel came
And me and Julie ate Maggie mee
Then Rachel and Charmaine eating the sandwich which was delicious la..
Damn yummy lorx..
After tat went causeway point eat and Alvin buyin Charmaine Christmas plus 4th mth present
After Tat causeway point dun have anything Charmaine lyk so cabbed to penin
Then after tat Alvin went off
Me and Charmaine took mrt back to bukit batok and cabbed Back to her hse for carolling..
Went to 5 houses and reach Charmaine hse at 12 plus ..
Ate supper and bathe..
25 dec:
Wake at 12 plus
Bathe and went to charmaine's aunt's baby first mth..
Till about 2 plus??
Then went home..
Then 6 plus left for Christmas party open by gan mummy company..
And I nearly fall went we went down the stairs to wait for the door to open
I was wearing boots tat day..
Celebrated and the party ended at 11.30
Reach home at 12???
Oh ya sang and join the singing competition ^^
26 dec:
Wake at 2 plus
Ate and watch tv till 5 plus then while jovan and mummy went fetch his aunt back,
I went home
Cox they say this aunt is too much everything oso care..
So went home safer hee^^
27 dec:
Woke at 7??
Reach charmaine hse at 8.35
Then she was still bathing lorx..
After tat ate breakfast and went prawn fishing
Till 3 plus bah..
Went home rested and fetch charmaine to tuition
Then went to church clean up till 5 plus
Then send auntie lyn home then went fetch charmaine
Reach home watch hana kimi
Then at 8 plus ate dinner and waited for dad come fetch..
28 dec:
Wake at 8 plus nv went to cck wait for charmaine cox car not enough space
So met Ming fen then went queensway
Waited for 1 uncle in the church to fetch me,Ming fen,jean and jean mummy
Had so call christmas sunday alot performance was made..
Then reach home at abt 2 plus??
Went popular bought stuff and went home
Watched hana kimi
Till 6 plus went to doc chan hse while I waited for my dad come fetch me
Went to bedok eat and reach home by 9.45
Now time for me to slp..
Goin out wif charmaine,alvin and charlene
got to slp le..
Monday, December 22, 2008
y not singapore but hong kong again

tang yu zhe is goin hong kong AGAIN ahhh..
he goin to attend a 頒獎典禮 & 舉辦預購的簽唱會 舉辦預購的簽唱會
y cant come singapore but at hong kong :(
sad sia..
cant comment him at his blog..
then his 2nd album is comin out...
so damn happy..
dunno got any new show he acting in it not lorx..
wanna c him la..
in real person of cox..
pls pls pls..
dear god..
pls let him come singapore for all those 宣传 stuff lorx..
wanna c him so badly la... :'(
some of his picture..

julie faster heal!!!
bathed & called charmaine..
but nobody picked up..
then 10.35 called she say 11 then go yolanda hse.
so i say when she go call me but i waited till 12?
no call & i msg her,
she was on the way ._.
then went out. boardin the bus,
realise wallet on my bed so no choice went back take lorx..
then took 10 from dad,
then cabbed to yolanda hse,
then cabbed to julie hse.
to c julie.
she fractured her right leg :(
then played & ate ma..
then took foto wif yolanda & julie
cabbed to PS.
played bunk till 5 plus..
then mrted to yishun & cabbed to charmaine hse.
have been cabbing the whole day lorx ^^
then watched hana kimi then 8.30 left charmaine hse..
cabbed back to yolanda hse then from there i took bus home..
reach home at abt 10 plus or 9 plus??
Sunday, December 21, 2008
死性不改si xing bu gai - Twins& boyz
Joi gin liu ngor dik chung ngoi
Sui yuen jip sao jea jung, yi ngoi
Lei jan ngor tin sang hor ngoi
But yuin hon jeok ngor, lei hoi
Tung bun ya, wa ngor sor
Hei foon sao chor
Ling yuen,
Ching dik joi seong ngor
Yan tin sang gum boon dou but hor yi ngoi sei san bin dik yat gor
Mou loi lei joi gao chi kik ngor
Fan si ya ji dou ngor
Gei dor hak sum dik gao sor
Ngor yik ngai dak gor
Loi sim fung
Loi dim for
Jao kik dou ngor ma
Chui luin ngoi jao dor chung ngor
Sei sing ngor but siong goi
Yue ngor mut yao lei dik ngoi
Ngor mut fat wut dak loi
Ching yan dik chuin joi si ngor chung loi,
Dou ji joi
Nan joi ngor gung sao,
Yeong ngoi
G: Dim gai yiu gum jek
C: Dim gai mm hor yi gum wor
G: Lei mm gok tak hou san fu meh?
C: San fu, dan hai ngor jung yi ak
G: Shuin ba la
Ngor pa hor yat bat hor joi
Nan dou lei bei ngoi dou yao hoi
Ngor kok shun, tin chan but, wui chor
Wai lei wui, yi sang, tin hoi
Tung boon ya, wa ngor sor
Hei foon sao chor
Ling yuin,
Ching dik joi seong ngor
So siianz...
Now using ipod touch to blog..
Got c my previous post?
Tats how boring I am!!
Blogging songs lyrics..without any link..
Can't slp now already 3 in the morning..
Just had my tom yam soup bee hoon for supper..
I cook myself hee^^
Tmrl needa wake up damn early la.
Need to pray grandma and the ancestor.
Now listening to music to bring myself to slp
Think i'll stop here...
Needa slp le (:
oyasumi :D
夏日疯xia ri feng - pan wei bo
艳阳高照的天空 吹来一阵热浪狂风
我把车顶开蓬头 随着音乐节奏摆动
不要在多年以后 后悔自己从来没疯过
看我开着我的22吋镀铬 转动奔向街头
不用再多说 只要迎着风
Hey jump up jump up lets go
屋顶正热得发火 震耳欲聋地板晃动
你牵着我的双手 释放出我们的冲动
日朦胧 懵懵懂懂
想和你一起吹吹风 没错
忘掉烦恼抛开忧愁 一起望向天空
Hey jump up jump up lets go
在今年夏天后 拥有意义非凡的感动
夏天的风 吹的我们全身都放松
tong yi ge yi han - pan wei bo
剩下我们坐在岸边 看着她越走越远
白色星星 迎着海面 沙滩好远
而他的心 去了哪里 我们都无能为力
是谁的手 能牵他回来
Does she know? Don’t thank so.
爱上了同一个遗憾 恍然明白
那时候 为何要 对彼此为难
Tell me she know, i don’t thank so.
不能重来的伤害 我们都学会了释怀
两个朋友 一个最爱 不可能有的未来
只是结局 却让我们 如此意外 YEAH~
她的决定 终於坦白 开了玩笑的安排
怪 谁的错 我们都失败
Does she know? Don’t thank so.
爱上了同一个遗憾 恍然明白
那时候 为何要 对彼此为难
Tell me she know, i don’t thank so.
不能重来的伤害 而我们学会了释怀
Does she know? Don’t thank so.
爱上了同一个遗憾 恍然明白
那时候 为何要 对彼此为难
Tell me she know, i don’t thank so.
不能重来的伤害 而我们学会了释怀