Wednesday, April 15, 2009

quest tagged by amanda

10 Are You's

1. Are you single - no.
2. Are you happy - yea
3. Are you bored -duh? super
4. Are you fair -nope
5. Are you Italian - do i look like?
6. Are you intelligent - hope so but duno
7. Are you honest - most of the times
8. Are you nice - not to some peeps
9. Are you Irish - wat a question!
Are you Asian -yupps

10 Facts

1. Name:joie lim
2. Nick: zhu er
3. Birth place: Singapore.
4. Hair colour:black.
5. Natural Hair style: i rebornded my hair too many times, forgotten
6. Eye colour: black.
7. Birthday: 9 Feb 93
8. Mood: sad, confused, bored
9. Favourite colour: black,white,red,orange, green
10. One place you want to visit: japan

10 things about my love life

1. Have you ever been in love: yes
2. Do you believe in love at first sight: ya
3. Do have currently have a crush - yes
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - yes(对不起,请原谅我伤害了你=[ )
6. Have you ever have your heart broken - yes
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - yes
8. Are you afraid of commitment - no
9. The last person you hugged - Baby ♥
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to - baby ♥

10 This or That

1. Love or Lust -love(duh?)
2. Hard liquor or beer - hard liquor
3. Cat or Dog -dog.
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - few best frends
5. Creamy or Crunchy - creamy
6. Pencil or Pen -pencil
7. Wild night out or Romantic Night in - romantic night in
8. Money or Happiness - happiness
9. Night or Day - day
10. IM or phone - phone..lurve it

10 Have you ever

1. Been caught sneaking out -yes..
2. Seen a polar bear - yes
3. Done something you regret - yes
4. Bungee jumped - no
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - ya
6. Finish entire jaw breaker - wats that?
7. Been caught naked - no
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - yes
9. Cried because you lost a pet- no..but cry because lost someone
10. Wanted to disappear - absolutely

10 preferences in a partner

1. Smile or Eyes - smile
2. Light hair or Dark hair - dark hair
3. Hugs or Kisses - hugs
4. Shorter or Taller - taller
5. Intelligent or Attraction - attraction(:
6. Topman or Zara - both
7. Funny or Serious - funn
8. Older or Younger - older
9. Outgoing or Quiet - outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad - sweet(hu wans bad?)

10 Have you's

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - ya
2. Ever talked on the phone for more than 1 hour - ya
3. Ever walked on hands - no
4. Ever been to a rock concert -ya
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - yes
6. Ever been in a dance team - no
7. Ever been in a sports team -yes
8. Ever been in a drama play -no
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley -no
10. Ever been in a rap video - no

10 last's

1. Last phone call you made - 15 april, 7.47
2. Last person you hugged - teng ♥
3. Last person you hung out with - gan mami,baby♥
4. Last person you worked for -none currently,will hav soon
5. Last person you talked to - jeremy ai de ♥
6. Last person you IM - jeremy ai de ♥
7. Last person you texted - baby ♥
8. Last person you went movie with - gan mami,baby♥
9. Last person/things you missed - freedom /someone
10. Last website visited -

Tag 10 people to do this

1.CharMaine Les Partner♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
3.JiA XiaNg
6.zHen liAng
7.Xin hUe
8.WeE LeNg kor♥♥♥
10.Kai ChiNg

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