hahas..todae when ii reach home, my mum tell me tat the notification form to do my ic was send to me hee^^so happy la...hahas..but have to wait ferr the sch foto tat we took last week to return us then can go make & oso have to wait 12 feb then can make the ic wah siianz dunno when then can take my ic lorx...hahas..pics of the notification of the ic...
hahhas..wake up at 5 in the morninto wake a million star ahhas...ytd miss mahthen todae watch back lorx..watch till half suddenly wanna blog so come & blog lor...ahhahas....woo~pan yu wen so shuai lorx..& the song he sing damn nice & damn touchin de...ohh lin you jia oso la...hahas..the last order & creep all so nice lorx..& he is the champion of the show lorx hahhas...zhou ding wei get the second & pan yu wen the third wow zhou ding wei sing rain de sad tango hahahss...damn nice lorx...& he dance wah so nice lorx..love him & pan yu wen lotz la...hhahas...while calculatin the result,cao ge,xiao jing teng & yang zhong wei hahas...sing bei pan tgt lorx...wah so nice...& damn touchin la....wah love xiao jing teng lotz too la...hhaas..xiao jing teng gonna release album on april or so la...hahas...
XIAO JING TENG ROX!!!! 你好棒,你最帅,我爱你,永远支持你!!!
:'(ii gonna cry le la..my fone todae crack at the screen nort the LCD screen la..the wan outside de..how to trade-inhaiz..sure need pay money for my new fone when my line is up on mayawuu~~~die le la..dunno can hang on how long leh my fone...haiz...ahhas..sad sia..if becox of the crack ii can change fone tat will be best la...hee^^but the crack damn long la..but dunno deep or nort leh..ahahs...kk gtg le..bb....blog nxt time bah...haha....takecare peeps....
hahas...todae aft sch went steph hse wif teng to do ss project hahahs..cox today is the due date but then steph ask cher to give us 1 more day so is tmrl le lorx..hahahs...siianz sia...need do so mani slides but nbm hahhas...qort so mani ppl so sure can finish de....then abt 5 sumting 6 leave steph hse wif teng & on the way to bus stop we saw this bird w/o a body..
omg where is its body??hahas...ohh btw thx steph mum for treatin me & teng eatin mac hahhas..hee^^eat quite alot of it :$ hahahs...then aft waitin for the bus wif teng,then the bus come le la...she board the bus & ii walk home lorx..reach home abt 6.45 hahahs...cox my hse near to steph hse mahhahhas..& finally weekend have come & its time to rest & play le..hee^^but when sch starts...its gonna be more stress...haiz:(y am ii havin so mani stress on my shoulder??
todae aft sch went to bukit merah & have lunch wif lok yi,yu ting,steph & tengthen eat till half my junior tell me tat he qort stead le...tat time my hartt breaks again....ii dunno y just break into millions millions of pieces...but then she tell me he veri happy & they look veri tian mi..then ii jiu fang xin le..hahahs..cox he happy then i'm glad cox ii dun wan to c him sad just want to c him happy...if he happy & i'm sad it worth it..its realli worth it la..ii doesnt matter..cox i'm just a nobody, a failure so i'm nevermind de...hahas..just hope he last long..& just hope ii can 4get him veri soon & waitin ferr my true love,my bai ma wang zi to appear can le...hahahs..aft tat then jason & jon come find us then went to jason hse to have spagetthihahahs...our chef jason cook for us hahas..then when he was preparin bring his dog lucky or lappy down for a walk ahahs..his damn cute lorx...hee^^then abt 5 plus went home wif steph & yu ting
hahas...todae went to watch"1 missed call"at vivohahahas...wif teng,jia hao,yan lin,xi yuan,isaac,lok yi,yu ting & jun wei....hahahs..but ii was sittin alone la..as the F row have no more sit so no choice sit a row behind them lorx..ahhahs...this show damn nice...muz watch sia hahhas...damn siianz todae damn unlucky lorx..leg damn pain dunno y hahhas....maybe old injuries le bah...& todae went sch being call mop or broom lorx...haiz..damn suay lorx..then reach home mum keep naggin....omg worst day sia....just hate it lorx....
haiz...so siianz sia...so mani hw & all is ii half noe half dunno de so headache lorx..plus lotz of stress too...classmates keep ask me to help them print timetable which is nort my dutybut then 1 of them yet say is my responsibility & i'm irresposible omgteacher oso nv call me go print for the whole class when did it become my responsibility??just dun understand her lorx...keep askin & askin i'm gonna be mad 1 day!!!haiz..becox of this matter ii was bein ask & ii explain till ii was tired & stress up wif hw,the position of mine & abt relationship...lol..just oni showed temper & was being called a gangster?is this logic??ii cant believe it lorx...haiz...then ytd ii was being stress by my art lesson....ii cant draw out the recorder...then ii was thinkin y am ii so useless...y cant ii do everything properly??ii cant do math,ii cant do art & ii cant handle relationship well & was keep on being cheated wat else can ii do??ii was blamin myself for being useless...then blamin blamin ii started cryin then ii dun wan any ppl noe so ii tell cher ii go toilet...but in fact ii goin out so ii can calm down....haiz..i'm just a failure...a total failure...wat am ii in this world for might as well ii die or y am ii being born wif such a failure life??y?y?y?y?y?y?y?y?y?y?y?ii dun understand....& todae suppose tat ii can have a good rest w/o any disturb or watevamy grandma come up & stay just becox she tmrl is goin out wif her frends....& when she aw me she started naggin naggin lorx...haiz...then when she reach my hse naggin started again...just dunno y she lyk naggin so much lorx..& nag nbm wah is damn loud lorx her voice...haiz...then just now when takin nap @ mum's bed she start shakin the boster tat ii was slpin on & keep askin me to wake up askin me y am ii slpin there...omg...just fell aslp & was bein disturb by her ii gonna faint le lorx..haiz...then finally good thing have cametmrl....i'm gonna have a haircut by cousin which work @ kimage at raffles place de acarde buildin hahas.......yea...hope my hair can be straighten by then...hahahs...nth much more le...hahahs...ii'll post as soon as possible if ii have the time or if ii remember bah...hee^^
finally its all over...hahhs..the sec 1 orientation is all over...so tired lorx...hahas...but worth it la..quite happy....leg damn pain lorx...omg footdrill comp on september...sir lee is sendin the sec 2's & 3's to compete...& mux get first in the whole zone...omg gonna die le la....ii think ii fallen for him again...die le...how am ii gonna get out of this mess??ii need help!!!!cox ii dun wanna my hartt to have a place for him...ii alrdy said tat ii wanna 4get him but y am ii still lurbin him??ii just dun understand myself...wat so good abt him??just so in love wif him....ii just hate myself...ii wanna FORGET him....hahas...cant slp yet cox ii wanna watch goong repeat on channel u ltr hahahs...mux hang on cant fall aslp...hope ii lose weight sucessful as ii keep skippin my meals...so nort to exceed weight of 40kgthen no nid go taf club hahahas.....hope ii can lose la..hhahas..cox tat my way of losin weight la..even though is unhealthy for me la...but no choice ii am a person who cant stop once ii started eatin.....
haiz...tmrl is the sec 1's orientation day & is our uniform group turn...haiz...feel so siianz lorx..wearin a number 1 uniform which is long sleeve wan is damn stuffy de...hahhas..gonna wear it till 6 sumthing bah maybe ii dunnomaybe will end earlier??hahas...who noes^^hee...but no choice gonna company amanda as promise la..hhahs...but nbm la...once in a yr..just bear wif it lorx....tmrl gonna be a long day hope ii can endure it lorx...cox havin a sore throat now...hhaas...hope tmrl will be better bah...hahas..i'm gettin stress by the roles in class & ccain class i'm a vice captain,it rep,art rep & in cca i'm in sjab & ava& gonna teach the juniors stuff & those...ya just hope tat ii can bear all the responsible & wont let the chers down lorx...especially miss tan who chose me as a vice captain la...hahahs...cant slack anymore...& be a 'slpin beauty'in class anymore...cox ii kept slpin in class as all my classmate from the same class as me noe la...hee^^ii just need to buck up in everything le..in order to get to acct course in poly...tats my goal but ii dunno whether ii can acheive or nort...haiz....am ii givin myself too much stress??or am ii too relaxin or ii can be even more better??ii mux try it out hahas...
hey guys...happy new yr....hahas..gonna sch reopen le..hee...feel so greaT....hahahs...those in my sch cya when sch reopen....ahhahas....omg damn lorx...have to bring lotz of books home on the first day or first week of sch reopen....