at last of my post ii say tat hope my comp doesnt spoil but in the end
my comp spoil again haiz..
so ii no so care abt it la..
cox ii a few days l8r goin batam for my ACE cum CIP camp...
it was tirin but was fun the orphans was damn cute lorx...
(photos will be upload l8r now usin bro comp^^

here are some of me & jasmine jie de fotos...

then the food was soso~ nia lorx...
the resort was excellent hhahas...
so comfortable lorx..
& lotz of fun wif teng,steph & vanessa & 3c galz la...
& receive a bad news which is there is a split class in 3c & 3d which means they will cr8 another class lorx...
sad sia....
ii dun wannna split class lorx...
y muz they split the class after we have used to the things we doin now??
they all damn idiot lorx..
ii mean the sch la..
damn sad hope the sch dun reopen lorx........
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