todae is sport fiesta & international frendship day....
it was so fun
was on duty for ava & went around takin fotos...
till 11.40am
ii have my floorball match
which consist of me,yi zhi,zhao hong,calvin,shahidah & arthur...
but due to soccer final
zhao hong,calvin & arthur was down at the field & yi zhi dunno go where so teng,steph,gordon & jun da took over their place & we play against 3G
then the winner is.............
but in the middle of the match
dunno which guy hit my leg near my ankle & my bone too...
wif a hockey stick...
& was swollen & blueblack...
after tat zhao hong,arthur & calvin
came back & continue the game but in the end...
we get the 4th in whole sec 3...
after tat went tiong had our lunch
& went purmei to play bball....
but in the end ii went there to slp.......
reach home abt 6 something....
it was a fun day...
slpin at the basketball court is a enjoyable thing...
basketball court is a nice place for takin a nap.....
so shiok.....

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